17th Annual Point Reyes Fungus Fair
Bear Valley Visitor Center
Sunday, January 7, 2024 | 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

The Point Reyes National Seashore Fungus Fair will be held this year on Sunday, January 7, 2024. Several mushroom-related exhibits will be on display inside the Bear Valley Visitor Center, including a brand new exhibit "Fungal Connections Underground" and another on “Fire and Fungi”. Although there is a collecting event on Saturday, January 6th, park visitors are encouraged to bring fresh fungi you have collected to an identification table where expert mushroom identifiers can answer your questions. (For best results, please bring complete mushroom and note habitat/general location information.) This is a free event, open to all.
Speaker Schedule
11:00 am | David Rust | Underground Fungal Connections |
12:30 pm | Debbie Viess | Amanitarita's Freaky and Fabulous Fungi |
2:00 pm | Monika Fischer | Pyrophilous pioneers: how fungi survive and thrive after fire |
Roving Mushroom Ambassadors will be on hand to talk about mushrooms, and their role in the environment. See our beautiful Death Cap scuplture. Learn more about the Bay Area Mycological Society activities, scientific and educational mission. We will also have three presentations in the Bear Valley Visitor Center Auditorium.
For more information about this event, contact David Rust by email or by phone 510.468.5014. This event is free to the public. For directions and a map, visit the park's Directions page.